It is the perspective of the Natural Hygienist physician that there is really only one cause of disease and not the myriad causes that the typical Western doctor proffers. This single cause of disease is toxemia. It is understood by Natural Hygienist physicians that healthy, disease free bodies can be a lifelong reality if individuals begin by clearing the body of toxic poisons, housed at the deepest cellular level. These toxins are introduced into our systems through the foods we eat (both poor quality and excess quantity), the environmental poisons we are exposed to and the resultant immune deficiencies created by our body’s inability to metabolize and eliminate the waste from these stressors in a timely and efficient manner.
When we cease eating, we begin the process that allows nature, in her unmatched wisdom, to construct the necessary cure.
With a new school year just around the corner, I thought Dr. J.H. Tilden’s review of the cause, symptoms and treatment for chicken pox, a timely subject.
CHICKEN POX (Varicella)
DEFINITION.--This is a slightly contagious disease of children, characterized by an eruption of vesicles on the surface of the body. Children may get off with a dozen pox, and sometimes the disease is so severe that they have one hundred and fifty to two hundred on the entire body As a rule, it is a very insignificant disease. By that I mean that it is not of sufficient importance to worry about.
CAUSE.--The disease occurs in epidemic, endemic, and sporadic forms; that is to say, it may spread all over the country, it may be confined to just one locality, and then again a case may occur in a community without any other cases developing. This is true of all so-called contagious diseases, showing that contagion requires a proper physical state of the one taking the disease before it will manifest itself. No one will take any of the so-called epidemic or contagious diseases who is not in a favorable condition to be stricken down.
SYMPTOMS--It is said that after exposure it requires from ten to fifteen days for the disease to develop. In some cases it starts with a slight chill. Most children are a little irritable and cross--just as they might be with indigestion; and, indeed, they have indigestion, or they would not take the disease. The question, therefore, is: Is it the indigestion that causes the disease, or causes the chicken-pox, or does the chicken-pox cause the indigestion? The epidemic influence exists for certain diseases, but it must find the constitutional derangement exactly fitted before chicken-pox, or any other specific disease, can manifest. All such diseases represent a peculiar chemical state of the fluids of the body. Then, when the proper domestic or civic influence is created, the combination ends in a certain type of disease. This is true of all so-called contagious diseases. This definition may be used for diphtheria, scarlet fever, smallpox, etc. Nothing will come of chicken-pox per se. Children who are abused very greatly and have deranged digestions, and who possibly are predisposed to tuberculosis, may break down from an attack of chicken-pox; but it is a mistake to recognize chicken-pox as the cause. It only marks the beginning of the breaking-down, because the constitutional derangement was in existence before the chicken-pox developed.
TREATMENT--Children should be put to bed and the bowels washed out daily. No food at all, but all the hot water desired may be given. As soon as there is freedom from discomfort and no increase in temperature, feeding may begin with fresh pressed fruit juices and water, half and half, the first day; fruit two meals and salad one meal the next few days. Then return to regular eating*.
Excerpt from “Impaired Health, Its Causes and Cure” by Dr. J.H. Tilden, M.D.
*In all cases “regular eating” is reference to a diet of mostly fresh fruits and vegetables, no processed foods or refined sugar and little or no animal products.