According to Physician and Hygienist Dr. Isabelle Moser:
"Another truism of natural hygiene is that we dig our own graves with our teeth. It is sad but true that almost all eat too much quantity of too little quality. Dietary excesses are the main cause of death in North America. Fasting balances these excesses. If people were to eat a perfect diet and not overeat, fasting would rarely be necessary."
To substantiate this unfortunate reality the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics reported in the year 2000 that the 10 leading causes of death in the United States were, respectively, heart disease and cancer followed by stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, accidents (unintentional injuries), pneumonia and influenza, diabetes, suicide, kidney diseases, and chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Together these leading causes accounted for 84% of all US deaths.
In a more veiled presentation, the Journal of the American Medical Association found that in that same year the second leading cause of death to Americans was something they obscurely termed “Modifiable Behavioral Risk Factors”. Later in the reported findings JAMA explains that these modifiable risk factors are more specifically observed as poor diet and physical inactivity, resulting in the death of more than 400,000 Americans in a single year. Only 35,000 less deaths than those resulting from Tobacco (also a modifiable risk factor).
If we go again to that first AAP statistic of the leading causes of death and do even a small bit of deduction what we see is that what precipitates at least nine of these ten leading causes of death, begin in and end in the gut. More than heredity could ever claim, Americans are committing nutritional suicide, dozens of times a day, every day of our lives.
Diseases that physicians have for generations told Americans were an unfortunate part of their family inheritance turn out to simply be a case of eating too much food with too little nutritional impact. A simple matter of unchecked "Modifiable Behavioral Risk Factors."